create table Company (
companyId int identity(1,1)
, companyName varchar(100)
, zipcode varchar(10)
, constraint PK_Company primary key (companyId)
create table Person (
personId int identity(1,1)
, personName varchar(100)
, companyId int
, insertdate DATETIME
, constraint FK_Person_CompanyId foreign key (companyId) references dbo.Company(companyId)
, constraint PK_Person primary key (personId)
insert Company
select 'ABC Company', '19808' union
select 'XYZ Company', '08534' union
select '123 Company', '10016'
insert Company
select 'No Employees', '11111'
insert Person
select 'Alan', 1, '20141011 09:00:00' union
select 'Bobby', 1,'20141011 10:00:00' union
select 'Chris', 1, '20141011 11:00:00' union
select 'Xavier', 2, '20141011 12:00:00' union
select 'Yoshi', 2, '20141011 13:00:00' union
select 'Zambrano', 2, '20141011 14:00:00' union
select 'Player 1', 3, '20141011 15:00:00' union
select 'Player 2', 3, '20141011 16:00:00' union
select 'Player 3', 3, '20141011 17:00:00'
/* using CROSS APPLY */
select *
from Person P
cross apply (
select *
from Company C
where p.companyid = c.companyId
) CompanyPerson
/* the equivalent query using INNER JOIN */
select *
from Person p
inner join Company c on p.companyid = c.companyId
/* using CROSS APPLY - brings back the oldest inserted person by company*/
select *
from Company c
cross apply (
select top (1) *
from Person p
where p.companyid = c.companyId
order by insertdate
) CompanyPerson
/* using OUTER APPLY - brings back all the companies and the oldest inserted person by company*/
select *
from Company c
outer apply (
select top (1) *
from Person p
where p.companyid = c.companyId
order by insertdate
) CompanyPerson
order by companyName desc
/* brings back all the companies and the people */
select *
from company c
left join person p on p.companyid = c.companyId
order by companyName desc